Apocalyptic Cakes: Morbid Recipes for "The End"

Morbid Recipes for "The End"

WonderHowTo has seen it's fair share of strange cakes. Semi-gruesome cakes (brains), downright stomach churning cakes (cigarettes and meat), and playfully disgusting cakes (Star Wars spilled guts).

However, our cake decorating realm has yet to see anything quite as morbid as the variety of cake recipes posted at Apocalypse Cakes.

"A variety of cataclysmic punishments from God continue to rain down upon us. Obviously, this is the time to eat several entire cakes. Use this blog to help you celebrate your time on this earth, for when you look up from your cake-smeared cakehole, the sky will fade ablack, the lakes will blaze aflame and the locusts will buzz aswarming. Eat now, little heathens; there are no cakes in the apocalypse."

Some of my favorites below, click through to view all recipes.

Global Jihad Date Cake:

Apocalyptic Cakes: Morbid Recipes for "The End"

China World Domination Red Bean Cakes:

Apocalyptic Cakes: Morbid Recipes for "The End"

Waco, Texas Pecan Pie:

Apocalyptic Cakes: Morbid Recipes for "The End"

Raining Blood Red Velvet Cake:

Apocalyptic Cakes: Morbid Recipes for "The End"

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