News: Ew. Vajayjay Cupcakes With a Whole Lotta "Sprinkles"

Ew. Vajayjay Cupcakes With a Whole Lotta "Sprinkles"

Via Cakes! Cakes! Cakes!:

Wisely-chosen makes her husband squirm with her batch of rainbow vagina cupcakes:

"Each of these vaginas are unique. I'd looked for vagina cake and candy molds and was disappointed to see that they didn't look realistic at all, unlike penis molds. Really, if Barbie had a vagina, it would look like the candy molds I saw :( So I decided to shape each vagina by hand. I chose happy rainbow colors. Each is a one of a kind size and shape. One of them is on her period, one is elderly, one has razor stubble, one has a little pube regrowth, two are waxed smooth but have slightly different skin tone (one being more yellow) you get the idea ;)"

Wow, a whole array of pubic hair options. And all the colors of the rainbow. Nice.

Ew. Vajayjay Cupcakes With a Whole Lotta "Sprinkles"

Oh, and wait...she's got junk-cakes, too:

"A man's junk is too big to fit on a cupcake, even when flaccid. This is a problem. I had to create miniaturized versions, which is kind of depressing. These cupcakes lack the charm of the previous batch, I think. Vagina cupcakes remind me of flowers. Penis cupcakes remind me of slugs :("

Ew. Vajayjay Cupcakes With a Whole Lotta "Sprinkles"

Fondant recipe used can be found here.

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