HowTo: Annihilate Your Enemies With Light Warfare

Annihilate Your Enemies With Light Warfare

You may be familiar with the graffiti art practice of light painting, or light writing (1, 2, 3, 4). Essentially, it is a practice that employs the manipulation of light, photography and stop motion animation.

WonderHowTo's latest favorite light painting guru, freddiew, breathes a great deal of theatricality into the art, particularly with this bloodbath, entitled "Light Warfare":

Amazing work (don't miss the second video in the gallery above as freddiew takes you behind-the-scenes). The best part? There's a HowTo!

"The idea behind light painting is that if you open the shutter, you can draw lines by moving the flashlight around in front of the lens. So hold the shutter open, get in front, and try drawing something in the air. If you have a camera flash, you can have someone stand in place, and flash them. Then have them hold still and draw around them. Experiment!"

Click through for the full tutorial.

Thanks, dav1224, for the find!

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i loved it, also i can see a ghost-person at 0:48 but it was great (p.s. found him by accident).

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