How To: Draw Mario from Mushroom Kingdom

Draw Mario from Mushroom Kingdom

First of all you need a pencil and a sheet of white paper. You have to start with the cap and then the round face. Now draw the eyes and the mouth. Draw the badge over its cap. Now draw the ears. Then you have to draw the two hands. Draw the body and make some pockets as shown. Now draw the boots. Now make the eyebrows. Make the soles of the boots. Shade in the forehead with your pencil and then wipe it with a tissue paper. Then use an eraser to erase it a little. Now darken the eyebrows. Make the moustache and darken it. Make the mouth. Shade little on the nose and wipe it with a tissue paper. Now make the eyeballs and then darken it. Now shade on the shirt and wipe it with a tissue paper. Shade the top portion of his shirt and the arms and also the gloves. Darken the boots a little. Now give finishing touch to the image. Finally write in "Mario" at the top of the sheet. Write it in all caps and then darken it. That's it.

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