How To: Draw an anime Orochimaru from Naruto

Draw an anime Orochimaru from Naruto

This Naruto character is a very sinister and evil one: Orochimaru. At one point in time, he was considered a prodigy and was one of Konohagakure's Sannin. The Sannin is a group of three students of Hiruzen Sarutobi. The three members were a part of Team Sarutobi and they were Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. If you want to learn how to draw this dismal Orochimaru anime/manga character, it's really quite simple. DragoArt has this video tutorial on how to draw Orochimaru from Naruto. Get more detailed instructions on the step-by-step cartoon drawing here.

The name "Sannin" in Japanese means "legendary three ninja". They are known for their extreme ninja abilities and power. Out of the three, Orochimaru was told by his sensei that he was literally a child of exception, which only is seen once in a hundred years. The problem with Orochimaru was, he wasn't like the others. He had so much pain inside of him that it really did a number on the child he could have been. After his parents died he turned into a sick, sadistic kid that started on a destructive path. Orochimaru began studying the art of "kinjutsu" to gain power, knowledge and strength. Even though Orochimaru was turning into a disease, Sarutobi still thought of him as a prize student and had high hopes for the child. He became the Third Hokage, and with this title, his sensei thought that Orochimaru was going to be his successor. Over the years he started kidnapping people to use them as test subjects in order to develop new techniques that would give him immortality.

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